Eleven Letters from Eric

Gray Moist Liberty and Rooting for the Monster: Eric’s Tenth Letter

Eric’s tenth letter, the only one not written by hand, reached me in Glasgow in the summer of 1992.

“Rooting for the Monster” by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Rooting for the Monster” by Catherine Raine


hess deep
Ferrini, Vicki and Shillington, Donna. (2013). Near-bottom bathymetry data (2m resolution) from the Hess Deep Rift. Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA). doi:10.1594/IEDA/100267 (Thank you Stewart Russell for map research)
"Rooting for the Monster" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Rooting for the Monster” by Catherine Raine, 2014
"Gray Moist Liberty" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Gray Moist Liberty” by Catherine Raine, 2014
"Gray Moist Liberty" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Gray Moist Liberty” by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Gray Moist Liberty” by Catherine Raine, 2014


"Gray Moist Liberty" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Gray Moist Liberty” by Catherine Raine, 2014
"Gray Moist Liberty" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Gray Moist Liberty” by Catherine Raine, 2014



"Rooting for the Monster" by Catherine Raine, 2014
“Rooting for the Monster” by Catherine Raine, 2014


2 replies on “Gray Moist Liberty and Rooting for the Monster: Eric’s Tenth Letter”

Almost too much to bear. Thanks for sharing. Never knew about this voyage of his dislike of science.

Yes, it is heartbreaking to read lines such as “I love life.” I’m not sure if Eric disliked science so much as wondered if his temperament was totally suited to it (e.g. rooting for the monster). I wish I could ask him about it. Thank you so much for your comment and for reading the post despite the pain and grief.

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