I have a blog!

Yesterday I was reading The History of God in a coffeeshop when a elderly man asked if he could sit in the opposite armchair. Pretty soon we struck up a conversation and I learned that he’s 83, a Midwesterner like me, and a WWII veteran. We talked about Maimonides and Israeli politics. I enjoyed his stories.


2 Responses to “I have a blog!”

  1. caroline Avatar

    hi c-raine. i like your blog and look forward to reading more entries.
    caroline, enjoying breakfast on dalhousie street.

  2. Heather Avatar


    I love your blog and read every entry. You are more profound, well-read, and introspective than I ever get from our conversations (probably due to my screaming kids.) It was nice to get to know you by your writing and I stand in admiration. I especially enjoyed your musing on “Do you love your country?”

    love, heather

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