General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Laundry Meditation

IMG_8548On a washing day, I place the white basket on the patio table, move the line into position, and grab some single socks. As I administer the stability of clothespins, I relish the sun on my face and the breeze that moves the tall thistles and Queen Anne’s lace.

My hands attach the socks, shirts, towels, and pajama bottoms to the line, connecting me to a pre-electric time when the sun’s rays were not considered eccentric alternatives to the dryer.

IMG_8549Full of solar gratitude, the pulley and I send the clothing further down the line, deeper into the garden, unfurling my sails for the wind to catch them. I scootch the entire set of washing as far as I can, until the first sock is almost touching the top of the plants. Each time a new garment is pinned, it makes a great launch into the unknown, pennants of the sky meeting green messengers of the earth.

IMG_8561Task finished, I stand on the deck to admire the animated line, smiling at the dance of billowing cloth that the wind creates as it plays with pant legs and flowing hems. As I observe the moving shadows cast on the grass below, I breathe the scent of summer warmth that the laundry will later hold in memory, releasing sunshine on thankful skin.

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