General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Mechanics of Forgiveness (2019)

Neither smooth nor automatic,

the mechanics of forgiveness

clank fist-first into the soil

broken by a rusty plow

that moves so slowly

it strains to finish the first row.

Forgiveness is not a miracle.

It is work to be done

and redone as the seasons cycle.

It requires the engagement of gears,

calls for the mallet, the shovel, the hoe

to shoogle resistant brick

and stony clods of dirt

that have hoarded energy locked

into coils of resentment.

Muscular labour turns the wheel,

pulls up the choking nettles,

and digs a clearing for rain,

for seedlings,

for tenderness to grow.

Say yes to this employment.

Grab the tools from the shed.


General Photography

Silent Lake Provincial Park

Silent Lake
Silent Lake
Silent Lake
Silent Lake Provincial Park
Mothpocket, Silent Lake Provincial Park
Silent Lake Provincial Park
Outside the Taco Truck after the Visit to Silent Lake
General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Thistle Seeds of Kindness (2020)

Photos and recording by the author

Gathered by avid thermals,

the downy nipple rises from nested bed,

sails the length of groves,

and embroiders the soil in gossamer

when she lands.

Fresh gliders follow their sister in flight,

freighted with seeds that trust the wind

to lift and spill them free.

Ghost stars that surrender

to be flung into the future,

they drift in currents that flow beyond lifetimes,

feathered travellers who ignite wishes

hushed from candles to palms of gods.

Fluffy as eiderdown, these tufted legacies

weight their fall with massive purpose,

Zen pilots seeding blossoms for the pollination corps.

In the same way, when compassion

flies the nest of our minds

to meet the world’s loom,

connecting threads weave furrows

for kinship and love to sow their crops.

Just like the time a grieving daughter

received solace from a stranger,

a wedding guest who said,

“My older brother was your dad’s friend forty years ago,

and I used to tag along with their crowd of high school buddies.

They all mostly ignored me,

but your dad showed me how to dribble and shoot a basketball,

taking time to coach me. I never forgot that.”

No matter how fragile,

filaments spun from empathy

go home smiling to the unknown,

shimmering pilgrims with the power

to comfort a yet unborn daughter

whose father lives again in the story

of kindness that defies death

and returns to bless the living.

The daughter at the wedding

can no longer conceive a child,

but she has faith that gentle generations to come

will cultivate expansive families,

communities both chosen and given,

whose deep bonds testify,

We are all of love-bearing age.

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Sidewalk Glacier (2019)

The slick gray humps —

shadows of glorious glacial whales of old —

have ebbed from cycles of freeze and thaw and rain

to create islands of receding winter.

From January to March,

these masses have shrunk,

slunk much lower to the edges

of the sidewalk by the cinema.

Saturated with soot and exhaust,

the sullen ice-beasts resist the warmer air

and clutch at soggy remnants of broken

plastic spoons, cigarettes, and coffee cup lids.

The time to release caution

and rejoice in change

has not yet arrived,

for the evidence of a harsh season

still lies in gritty drifts on the ground.

Spring is not to be fully trusted

because she has not unlocked herself from this long winter.

Nevertheless, let us witness

how this reticent mistress has lifted

the curled edges of sidewalk ice

so that currents of rippling melt-water lift the floes,

stirring hopes we guard like hungry seeds.

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Ragged (2020)

What’s left of me is ragged lace,

more absence than presence,

gnawed upon but not consumed.

I forbid you to pity me.

If you impose sympathy

with those I’m sorry for you eyes,

tart disdain will salt your gaze.

Instead, reach below O poor leaf!

to ask yourself ‘Where am I torn?’

‘Who would recognize me if they knew

how fragile the web is that holds my flesh together?’

Once you have opened the gate

that isolates my suffering from yours,

I will accept empathy from you.

But only then, mind.

I might even tell you about the time

I believed romance meant total surrender.

And you can describe the trusted beloved

who professed support but undermined from within.

As we share stories side by side on the forest floor,

let’s strengthen our arteries together,

arching them upward without apology,

neither holding the heartstrings hostage

nor concealing our corporate wounds.

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Farlinger Ravine Loop Poem (2017)

Meet me at Farlinger Ravine,

Ravine west of Kennedy Road by the Dollarama,

Dollarama that conceals the lost banks of Taylor Massey Creek,

Creek I witness from this rusty bridge.

This bridge where I loll at the rail and examine,

examine the sticky burrs on my mittens,

mittens that spell “Lover” on my knuckles,

knuckles that soften with warmth as the sun rises,

rises to lavish its image on the stream.

Stream of Farlinger where youths from the shelter,

they shelter under maples, entwine limbs on fallen logs,

logs that block the narrow path to the culvert.

This culvert that thunders in storms, eases the stink of sewage,

sewage that swirls over submerged shopping carts,

carts from Giant Tiger, condoms, and Tim Hortons cups,

cups whose rims did not win.

Win next spring, maybe, but today ice curls at the edges of flow,

flow of water that plays with the sun’s colours,

colours of frozen glass in red, purple, and silver,

silver that polishes the depths of Farlinger Ravine.

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Partly Frozen: Leaf’s Lament

A screen of ice has pinned my body to a puddle.

Caught between the surface and the depths,

my fluted edges have been numbed and blurred,

robbing me of external definition.

The blessed sun has melted my face to visibility,

fooling viewers with its tawny cheer.

In fact, the roots of my smile do not reach the deepest veins,

which await the body’s liberation

from the clutches of cold fear.

Testifying to repressed power,

iced etchings trace the shapes of submerged wings,

wavy carvings that design their whims

as they skate on the very surface they groove.

The stem lives in contradiction;

part of it captured in ice

but the tail released from confinement.

Not gripped by the dark blue crystals,

nor defined by white scratches,

this licensed grace heartens,

strengthens desire for freedom

to be lifted whole from this chill bed.

Hopeful of return to movement,

the blood irrigates polar and temperate veins alike

whether I believe in restoration or not.

If I desire to be more fully alive,

I must warm and be warmed —

fueling faith in winter’s end.

General Photography

Sunrise on Sunrise Avenue

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Celebrating the Seasons: Haikus by Ellen Jaffe in Response to Photographs by Catherine Raine

Taylor Massey Creek (2017)

Tree branches, blue sky

reflected in melting ice —  

winter hieroglyphics.

Wexford Woods (2017)

Fractal patterns,

webs of connection,

forest’s neurons awake.

Port Union Waterfront (2020)

Branches stretching out

over cold morning waves

sunlight glints on stones.

Lord Roberts Woods (2017)

Bluebells in spring,

spring into life,

forest wakes in mute beauty.

Taylor Creek Trail (2020)

Reeds stand sentinel,

green and straight against a wavy background —

one moment in a changing world.

Taylor Creek Trail (2020)

Cormorant on a stump,

its shadowy image

echoed in still water —

listening, watching, waiting for a sign.

Banks of Highland Creek (2020)

Wildflowers nestling

by a fallen fence — sweet colour

on this spring morning.

Morning Glory, 2020

Tilting its delicate head

the morning glory listens

to the world’s song . . . and silence.

Tree Shelter in North York (2020)

Tree-shapes sheltering

this quiet forest clearing —

a splash of sunlight.

Wilket Creek, 2018

Sparkling light in the darkness

shower of stars


down to earth.

Fall in Ottawa (2018)

Dewdrops on a leaf,

red, yellow, dark purple

expanded moments, radiant.

Montréal‘s Mount Royal (2019)

Profusion of golden leaves

reflections in the stream —

The world is a narrow bridge

we need to cross.

(Note: italicized words from Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav)

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

The Saint of the Lake (2017) with Recording by Sean Mc Dermott

The saint of the lake sits high in a sequoia

that grows from an ait kissed by mild waves.

Alone yet expansive, the art of silence

presses the holy woman’s heart between two ferns,

releasing notes of dried clover, cornflower, and marigold.

Rain begins and the saint stirs, prays and praises

the blessèd cover of a thick branch overhead,

its tough bark more waterproof than a nimbus.

Though distance obscures the hermit’s face,

one brown palm is visible against the green.

Cupping the rainfall has awakened her birthing sense,

and she is listening to the tadpoles’ legs emerging,

the fox lining her den with leaves for the coming kits,

and the egg-teeth of baby finches tapping their shells into openness,

their long embryonic wait almost at an end.

When the creased cup of the saint’s hand overflows,

she empties its reservoir with a dancing turn of the wrist.

Backing closer to the tree’s broad column,

she gathers heels into the thighs’ shelter

and circles warm knees with her arms.

Breathing into the curled nest of a compassionate self,

she sleeps in Love, heartbeats lapping in sync

with the lake’s gentle rhymes deep below.

General Photography

A Morning Hike in Brookbanks Park

General Photography Poems and Prose Poems

Highland Creek Park on a June Afternoon

Just behind Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, a steep switchback trail leads me to the west bank of Highland Creek, where tall grasses sway beside a sandy bank with cheerful stones below. As I continue along the narrow path beside the bank, I stop to photograph an elegant monarch butterfly before moving into deeper tree cover beyond.

I soon come to a tributary of the stream that is flowing much more slowly. Thanks to its shallowness, I can cross by hopping on the most stable stones. As I pause on the series of stepping-stones to survey the next viable perch, I experience moments of flowing water, such as a chartreuse leaf bathing in the stillness.

Although sunlight struggles to filter through the thick canopy, the steep bank offers a vision of hopefulness in grasses that are beginning their rooted stance, a scrap of sky above, and more tree leaves arching over the negative space. I have the sense of inhabiting a furrow or deep groove in an earthy canyon, transforming me into a creature with the option of crawling up and out from a den.

And I do just that, scrambling up the bank with the steadying aid of roots and branches for balance. I emerge onto the manicured openness of Scarborough Golf Club, owner of the footbridge I had glimpsed in a clearing on a previous walk. After I observe a few treasures of the golf course, including a short boardwalk in a marshy area, four irises, and an apiary, I return to the creek’s edge and forest path, the afternoon bathing in light.

General Photography

Summer Afternoon Roses and Other Garden Visitors

Thank you, afternoon roses! When I was working in the front garden under gray skies, the roses only looked flat red, but when I took some photos after finishing the task, the sun revealed combinations of red, orange, and yellow.

General Photography

Living June, Lord Roberts Woods

General Photography

Early Saturday Morning in Thompson Park, Scarborough

General Photography

Dawn Pond and Creek

Cormorant Surveys the Pond Near Taylor Massey Creek
Apartment Building Bathes its Reflection in the Creek
Taylor Massey Creek
Reflection of Sun on Highrise Building Illuminates Puddle on Walking Path
General Photography

Early Morning Lake Cure for Lockdown Restlessness

Lake Ontario
General Photography

Gratitude Portraits

Centennial College, Ashtonbee Campus
Port Union Waterfront Park
Eglinton Avenue East at Sunrise
Scarborough Marsh
Scarborough Marsh
West Highland Creek, Scarborough
North York
Taylor Massey Creek
Taylor Massey Creek
General Photography

Ontario Hawk and Missouri Cat

Suburban Hunter, Scarborough Ontario
D’Agee & Co. Florist Storefront Cat
General Photography

Winter Walks, Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre