Toronto Public Library Pilgrimage of 100 Branches

Branch Librarian to the Rescue

When I was writing a post about Main Street Library, I phoned a librarian there to ask if she knew the exact year the front entrance was added to the building. She wasn’t sure but promised to pass the question on to the branch librarian. Sure enough, I received a call this evening and learned the correct date: 1977. I was so impressed that branch librarian had taken the trouble to make sure I had the necessary information to make the Main Street post as accurate as possible. Hooray for librarians!

2 replies on “Branch Librarian to the Rescue”

Reading a lot of your library blogs, found the one about Long Branch. You wouldn’t know it yourself, but growing up there and visiting it many times as a boy, a return visit a couple of years ago just knocked me out. The reason? It smelled exactly the same as it did in the early 1970’s! Back then the librarians were much stricter about kids wandering into the adult section unaccompanied, a no-no then. Good memories of that library, along with many others in Toronto.

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