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Frogs’ Mosaic Green Room Collage

Over the past few months, I’ve been enjoying the chance to meet with a friend and make collages in response to The Druid Animal Oracle Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Last week, I selected Frog, whose key words are Sensitivity, Medicine, and Hidden Beauty and Power (page 19, The Druid Animal Oracle Deck booklet).

Frog card illustrated by Bill Worthington for the Druid Animal Oracle Deck
Frog card illustrated by Bill Worthington for the Druid Animal Oracle Deck

I started the collage at a coffee shop with a large wooden table and completed it at home. The resulting piece emerged with the help of paper, stickers, paint pens, and watercolour.

Frogs’ Mosaic Green Room, Catherine Raine, 2013

Carr-Gomm’s booklet states that Frog is “a companion of the rain spirits” who can “help you develop your sensitivity to others, to healing and to sound through your skin and your whole body” (19).

Frogs' Mosaic Green Room, Collage by Catherine Raine, 2013
Frogs’ Mosaic Green Room, Catherine Raine, 2013

Frog also encourages us to “look for the beauty and the magic behind appearances” (19).

Thank you, Frog, for your wisdom and artistic inspiration!

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